New Function Centre at Tallwoods Village Golf Course
The Tallwoods Golf Course is an integral part of the village being used by residents and tourists. The golf course owners have constructed a new Function Centre for use by locals and tourists. The project was to construct a high quality development that will provide an asset to the local community whilst minimising the impacts on the environment and integrating it into the existing natural and golf course environment.
Farm Party and Wedding Venue
Development was achieved for the use of existing facilities and farm at Caffreys Flat for the annual Longview Farm Party and wedding venue. The project included the assessment of bushfire impacts, noise impacts and involved substantial negotiation with authorities to achieve approval. The Longview community farm party is held annually on the October long weekend each year, over four days and is one of the Barrington Coast's premier entertainment events.

Residential Development Master Plan
A Master Plan was prepared for a significant residential development site near the foreshore at Tuncurry.
The overall Master Plan concept consists of mix of Townhouses, Townhouses, Granny Flats, Apartment Blocks and a Community Centre possibly containing a Licensed Social Club and/or Coffee Shop. The Master Plan seeks to provide a development outcome that takes advantage of the site location and attributes and facilitates the establishment of a broad range of residential living options in a scenic coastal environment.
Tabatinga Indoor Recreational Facility
Club Taree is proposing to establish a state of the art Tabatinga Indoor Recreational Facility at its premises in Taree to provide exciting recreational activities for children and adults and is proposed for construction in 2021. We are assisting with the management of construction approval and inviting local tenders for construction works. The on site works will also include additional planting of Koala food trees on the golf course site and the protection of rare and threatened trees.

Tourist Golf Course Cabins
The future viability of the Tallwoods golf course is reliant upon visitor use as the member base is insufficient to provide the adequate funds for ongoing maintenance and improvements. The owners of the course are in the process of constructing 16 high quality cabins to attract and accommodate tourist users of the golf course and contribute to the golf course revenue stream. The cabins are designed and located to minimise environmental impacts and integrate into the natural and golf course environment.
Multi-unit Housing and Subdivision
Residential land at Tallwoods Village has some of the best coastal views in NSW. This multi -unit housing development at Tallwoods was designed to take advantage of those views and provide high quality housing that reflects the coastal environment of Hallidays Point. The construction and subdivision process was structured to enable the building of the four homes in a cost effective manner and allow delivery to the market in timely manner.

Tallwoods Masterplan
Tallwoods Village aims to be a model coastal development and recognises the need to maintain the natural assets of the site. The provision of well-planned and quality open spaces creates a recognizable character, enhances perceptions of the estate and ensures long-term enjoyment for both residents and visitors. Our client prepared a Master Plan that aims to outline future development of the site to secure the ongoing viability of the golf course for current and future generations.
Tinonee Rural Residential Subdivision
Modification of an existing approved rural residential subdivision at Tinonee resulting in a high quality rural living environment in a natural setting adjacent to the Manning River. Careful site planing to protect the local Koala population has been undertaken and site protection and revegetation works are proposed.

Motel Redevelopment
The existing Cundletown Motor Inn site is a premier development site located adjacent to the Pacific Highway. It is proposed to redevelop the site for mixed use purposes that will provide a range of employment uses on the site including a new motel/hotel, service station and fast food outlets.